3 Tips for preparing for your next interview
6/01/2025 by Andy Winterburgh
The job interview is probably the most crucial step you will take in your job search journey. It's your opportunity to make a great first impression and show the interviewer that you're well prepared and ultimately the best person for the job.
There are plenty of well-worn quotes out there but it really does pay off to spend time preparing properly. "By failing to prepare, you prepare to fail." Here at Hybridge, we break down the pre-interview prep into 3 key areas.
As with everything in life, the better prepared you are the fewer surprises there will be and, in terms of a job interview, the better impression you will make.
1. Read the job description thoroughly. The job title and reporting line will give you an understanding of the main aspects of the role and where it fits into the organisation.
2. Review your CV for examples to support the Job description. Think about the key risks and controls you would anticipate and how you can demonstrate your relevant skills and experience.
3. Research the company. Review the company website and careers section - this will give you an insight into the organisation's future goals and plans and being able to discuss these points will make you seem like a long-term investment to your future employer.
In particular, think about:
Company financials: Check out the company accounts. Pay particular attention to the elements relating to governance. When reviewing the accounts think in terms of risk and control.
Culture: Look for information about the values and behaviours they look for in their people, so you can bring those out in your answers.
News: Take a look at what's going on in the news about the company. Think about the key risks they will face and what controls would you expect to see?
4. Prepare your answers to common interview questions. We've put together a list of common types of questions you can expect so that you can prepare your answers in advance and be confident in your responses when the pressure is on.
Think about how and where the interview is being held?
In the current environment it's highly likely at least some of the interviews will be conducted remotely, most likely on video.
If it's a virtual interview be sure to:
Check the technology
Be clear about what application you will be using
Do you need to download any software ahead of the meeting?
Does your camera/microphone work?
Dress appropriately
Dress as you would for any other interview as it will make sure you're in the right mindset
Check your surroundings
Make sure they are clean and tidy and there is nothing distracting in the background.
Regardless of how the interview is held make sure you're available on time or, better yet, be 10/15mins early.
What to wear
Wearing appropriate clothing to your interview can go a long way to securing your job. There is one rule that stands above all: Dress professionally. Wear business attire appropriate for the role, while still making sure you feel comfortable. Muted colour tones, suitable shoes.